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Partystar is here to help. We know 18ths inside out and upside down, and have some favourite Gold Coast 18th birthday venues to recommend.
Use the Gold Coast website’s filter to narrow down your search. The venues below all do 18ths, but try other filters to ensure your shortlist will cater for you. Happy 18th, new adult!
Partystar is your one-stop shop for function venue information on the Gold Coast. Venues at Surfers Paradise, Coolangatta, Broadbeach, Main Beach, Bundall, Robina and other locations are covered by our broad list of party spots. Make it easier by including your search criteria, then sit back and browse the photos of where you could be partying. 21sts, 18ths, Christmas parties, weddings, engagements and any kind of gathering are our specialty. Cheap hire and free hire are available.
Please note that underage venues, bowls clubs and halls are not listed.
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1300 535 010