22 Pubs, Bars, Nightclubs in Canberra

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Suburb Street Name Type
Canberra       7 London Circuit Xchange on London B    
Canberra     65 Northbourne Avenue White Rabbit     [View Function Room] B  
Canberra     32 Northbourne Avenue Treehouse Bar     [View Function Room] B    
Canberra   143 London Circuit Transit Bar B    
Canberra       1 Genge Street Tongue and Groove B    
Canberra     20 West Row Thirst Wine Bar B    
Canberra     34 Northbourne Avenue Reload B    
Canberra     21 East Row Phoenix, The B    
Canberra     16 Kendall Lane Parlour Wine Room B Reviewed  
Canberra   197 London Circuit Our Place on London     [View Function Room] B Reviewed  
Canberra     46 Northbourne Avenue North Bar B    
Canberra       8 West Row Muddle Bar B    
Canberra   105 London Circuit Mooseheads     [View Function Room] B    
Canberra     50 Northbourne Avenue Meche B    
Canberra       1 London Circuit Locanda Bar (Rydges Hotel) B    
Canberra   131 City Walk King O'Malley's B    
Canberra     17 Garema Place Hippo B    
Canberra   140 Bunda Street Cream Cafe Bar B    
Canberra     21 Binara Street Casino Canberra     [View Function Room] B    
Canberra     65 Northbourne Avenue Benchmark     [View Function Room] B    
Canberra     37 Bunda Street Babar Cafe & Bar B    
Canberra     17 London Circuit Alia     [View Function Room] B    

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